Contribution Terms of Service

Data about Norwich University veterans on this website has been compiled by many contributors over the years. Many contributions have not been reviewed by staff and the Norwich University Archives cannot vouch for the accuracy or completeness of any information included. We recommend researchers seek confirmation from independent sources before acting on information from this website.

Guidelines for contributing:
By contributing, you agree to have your contributions published publicly and that your contributions may be reviewed and edited by staff of the Norwich University Archives.
In order to participate, please:
  • write in English
  • be factual and cite sources in the "Notes" section if possible
  • limit any and all contributions to veterans who attended Norwich University
  • do not use language that is offensive, inflammatory or provocative (including swearing and obscene or vulgar language)

The Norwich University Archives will not be liable for any loss of your contributions.

Your Privacy:
Your personal contributor information will not be published to the website. Your email account will be kept private.